Mon 27 Jan
NEW SENSUAL *--* BUSTY *--* Brunette*--* ALWAYS Fresh, ALWAYS Ready!
((Metairie Incall) Outcalls AVAIL.)
Mississippi Grl n a New Orleans World!¡! $70QV - 28
(Chef Hwy New Orleans East, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ♥ ♥ S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥uℓtiℳαtε ··· ρℓαγMαtε ··· 🌟 ➓ 🌟(๏ 人 ๏)★·τθρ QυαℓitY - 28
(New Orleans, new number!! outcall specials)
☆ ➓ ☆➓ ℓεt mε bε thε 1 ☆ 2 cαtεr to your nεεds☆ ➓ ☆➓ - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, Westbank)
Start **** Your *** New Year **** Right _____ Let Me Be Your NEW YEARS RESOLOUTION - 20
Sexxyyyyy Latin Baby ♥️♥️ Let's have Fun ♥️♥️ Visiting for a few Days!! - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, My place or yours, New Orleans)
☆☆Sexy Tall Tiffany* 5'11 Long legs*♡ OUTCALLS/ INCALLS TODAY ONLY ☆504-338-0253☆ - 48
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans/Metairie)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ UP all night 24hrs! - 24
(Lafayette, incall/outcall)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY ×X× *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! ×X× *¨¨* GUARANTEED * - 19
(french quaters)
petite pretty blonde TIFFANY 25 - 25
(Bywater, Central City / Garden District, Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, Lakeview, Lower Ninth Ward, Mid-City, n.o Metairie and surrounding areas, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton, West Ba)
★:¦:- PERKY* PiNK* BLONDE -:¦:-★ Upscale !000% Real NEW Pix IN/OUT★ - 20
(Metairie - Causeway & i-10)
Outcall Specials .... Starting at $60...... I'm back .... Outcall Specials.. Kristen - 25
(New Orleans, new Orleans Outcall only!)
*☆* Jahiara *☆* Still Counting down - 7 days left downtown *☆* - 504
(Downtown/ French Quarter Private Condo)
♔ LaSt NiGhT In ToWn SuPeR SpeCiaLs OnE Of A KiNd GrEeN EyEd BuBbLe BuTt FrEaK ♔ - 21
(♔ Metairie/I 10 ♔)
{{{{{{{ *** Incall Specials ... Outcall Fun ... Luxury is the Best One *** }}}}}}} - 21
(my place or yours baby.. NEW ORLEANS ...)
☞ ☞ ER0TIC Blonde , & Sexi & Sweet A.z.z HERE & NAKED! making your evening Complete - 32
(New Orleans, METAIRIE incalls New girl 90$)
~::*¨¨*: (E L E G A N C E) (I N) (T O W N) (T O N I G H T) :*¨¨*:~
(Upscale Location)
Sun 12 Jan
•• SuPeR T!NY SOCCER mom•• DeLiCiOUs BLonDe CauCAsiAN G0ddeSS ReaDY N0W! - 28
(Kenner (No kids 2day mommy time), Mid-City, New Orleans)
Sat 11 Jan
•-:¦:-I CÂN ÐÕ MÂGIC †®IcK§ wI†h MY HiP§ & FiNG€® †iP§ -:¦:-• Trinidad Love - 20
(New Orleans, new orleans/CHIEF MENTEUR HWY)
chocolate treat big boobies and a tastey booty 80 hh $pls super freak - 21
(New Orleans, uptown incalls only upscale place)
🔻▶🔻 A SURE ThinG Right here.. A beautiful RedheaD just 4 YOU.. 🔻▶🔻 - 30
(New Orleans, Nola and the surrounding areas, West Bank)
I..GoT..DaT ..CuMM.. BacK... BoY ....(80) SPECIALS ALL NITE LONG - 21
oOo* *oOo___oOo* U cAn HaVe WhAtEvEr U liKe*oOo___oOo* *oOo 100 Special 404 772 2214 - 22
(Canal St.)
******* Outcall Only Call 504-684-2866 ******* Asian Friendly Grace *******### - 21
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, Outcall Only)
Fri 10 Jan
👼Slim,Beautiful,Classy Young Woman 💦 - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans, French Quarter,CBD,Mid-City)
🔹💖🔹 Outcall ONLY.. Redhead 🔥HOTTIE🔥 with a JESSICA RABBIT Body... Outcall ONLY 🔹💖🔹 - 30
(New Orleans, Outcall ONLY/Nola & surrounding areas, West Bank)
Crystal perfection amazing personality$$No men under 30 ~No POLICE~ - 27
(New Orleans, New Orleans East)
OuT C@LLs OnLy (100)spls _______ Sweet Ebony Lady ______ OuT C@LLs OnLy (100) spls - 25
(OuT C@LLs OnLy (100)spls)
***** ***** ***** ***** Super (((NASTY))) *** GORGEOUS TIFFANY *** ((80 Special)) ***** ***** ***** - 23
Thu 09 Jan
Caution Caution S.. loving Kitty on the lose Caution Caution Extremely Dangerous
(norleans quaters metairie etc...)
♛ ೋ F®€ÅK¡¡€§T €¥€ CÅND¥ #1 P¡CK ♥ ¡T G€T§ NÕ B€TT€R THÅN TH¡§ ೋ ♛ - 21
(New Orleans, kenner metairie incall and outcall)
¯`' .¸★¸. '´¯ PreTtiEstT SeXieSt mOsT sEducTivE VixeN oN paGe ( 2-7-10)`' .¸★¸. '´¯ - 23
New York Exotic here💃🏽Super Seductive👯 Dominican Portugese Blend👩🏽🍑😜 Wanna Try Some❓ - 20
(New Orleans, West Bank, Westbank French Quarters)
Wed 08 Jan
CuTe FaCe Lil WaIst BiGgEsT BuBbLe Bu TT ArOunD █ █ ►► NEW IN TOWN SPECIALS - 21
(Baton Rouge Incall/ Outcalls)
BaCk N ToWn 100% INDEPENDENT ___ Sensual & Captivating __ 100% ACTUAL PHOTOS GUARANTEED ___ Unrushed - 24
(French Quarters)